Our noses are the most primitive of all our senses. Your nose is your healer. Why would you use essential oils to help calm and relieve stress? One of the wonderful things about essential oils is they are safe and effective for all ages. They work quickly, have no side effects and are non- habit forming.
How do essential oils help with emotions?
Smell, almost more than any other sense, has the ability to dredge up memories, change moods, or ease tension. Your sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than any of your other senses. Aroma can powerfully affect the brain. Inhaling aromatic compounds from essential oils delivers them to the olfactory bulb, part of the brains limbic system known as our emotional brain.
How do essential oils help with emotions?
Smell, almost more than any other sense, has the ability to dredge up memories, change moods, or ease tension. Your sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than any of your other senses. Aroma can powerfully affect the brain. Inhaling aromatic compounds from essential oils delivers them to the olfactory bulb, part of the brains limbic system known as our emotional brain.
BERGAMOT plays pivotal role in the production of calming thoughts. Great for tempering anger, boosting confidence levels, and fostering your Zen mood. | ROMAN CHAMOMILE is a mild sedative to calm nerves and reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation. Roman chamomile has been used for relief of depressive and anxiety symptoms all over the world, including a number of regions in southern Italy, Sardinia, Morocco and Brazil. |
LAVENDER reduces anxiety and emotional stress, and is supportive of your cardiovascular system, nervous system, and emotions (produces a natural feeling of calmness). | PEPPERMINT uplifting and rejuvenating to the heart and mind. It helps a person rise above stress, pain, sadness, or fear, and regain the sense of zest and joy for life. |